Thursday, December 21, 2006
Global awarded renewal on BIAP contract
Security, Commercial
The Iraqi Ministry of Transportation has awarded a 12 month contract with a six month option to Dubai-based Global Strategies Group to provide all aviation security services at Baghdad International Airport (BIA), the company said in a statement obtained by Gulf News. "Since June 2004 Global has provided this service at BIA and currently retains in excess of 450 Iraqi personnel along with a small project management cell and a team of foreign technical experts," the statement said. Global has been working in support of Iraqi national interests since the commencement of its projects in Iraq in March 2003. In particular, Global conducted the Iraqi Currency Exchange of 2003-04 throughout the country and continues to provide security and logistics support to key reconstruction projects across the country. "BIA is the most critical and politically sensitive infrastructure facility in Iraq and we are honoured to be entrusted with its security," Damian Perl, Global's CEO said in a statement. "The transition from CPA administration to full Iraqi sovereignty precipitated an on-going negotiation and subsequent tenders for this contract."