Tuesday, February 27, 2007


Spokesman says al-Sadr statement 'misinterpreted'

Politics, Security
(Al-Sharqiyah TV) The text of a report by Dubai-based Iraqi private Al-Sharqiyah TV on 27 February reported that an aide to Iraqi clergyman Al-Sayyid Muqtada al-Sadr has stressed that Al-Sadr has not withdrawn his support for the security plan implemented by the Iraqi Government and the US forces in Baghdad. Al-Ajili accused the media of misinterpreting the statement because Al-Sadr trend continues to strongly support the plan.
[The above announcer-read report is followed by a video report citing Salih Al-Ajili, spokesman for Al-Sadr's political movement, as saying: "The statement Al-Sadr made on Sunday was intended to encourage the Iraqi forces to act independently from the US Army in Baghdad, adding that the media misinterpreted the statement since Al-Sadr trend continues to strongly support the plan. He added that what was mentioned in the statement was an advice to the Iraqi security forces which are capable of achieving better results without US assistance."]

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