Saturday, March 17, 2007


UAE, Kurdistan trade conference begins Wednesday

Business, Region
(Iraq Directory) An official in Kurdistan region announced on Monday that a conference on trade and investment between the region and the United Arab Emirates will be held in Dubai on Wednesday for two days. The Minister of Planning in the government of the region, Othman Shwani, told the reporters that the conference "will be held on 14th and 15th of March in Dubai, for the purpose of encouraging foreign companies to participate in investments in Iraq's Kurdistan".
He continued that "the conference which will include the fields of investment, trade and the reconstruction process in Kurdistan, will involve about 500 American companies and Emirates, as well as 157 Kurdistani companies from Arbil, Sulaymaniyah, Dahuk and Kirkuk". He confirmed that the conference will be held "in cooperation and coordination between government of the Kurdistan and the American officials in Iraq". The Minister of Planning said "we will devote part of the conference to exchange experiences and learn from the successful experience of the Emirate of Dubai and to encourage companies working there to come to Kurdistan".

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