Thursday, May 31, 2007


Jordan Agrees To Allow Iraqi Passport Type “S” Until End Of Year

(Azzaman Newspaper) - 30 MAY - The Iraqi Ambassador in Amman, Saad Jassim Al Hayaini, said that the Jordanian government has informed him of their decision to continue accepting the Iraqi passport type “S” until the end of the year instead of the 30th of this month. Al Hayaini added that the Jordanian decision came after an Iraqi request because of the difficulties in distributing the new type “G” passport. The minister in Amman has received only 200 passports daily; they complete the information and send it to Baghdad.
Jordan announced previously that it would not accept the old type “S” passport because they believe that it is easy to forge and the current number of Iraqis with the type “S” passport in Amman is 750,000. An Iraqi Parliament delegation visited Jordan two weeks ago and met with Jordanian officials including the Minister of Interior, intelligence officers, Ministry of Health and the Ministry of Education to find help for the Iraqis that are suffering there. On the other side, the Ministry of Interior stopped the special procedures for changing names and family names for one year.

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