Saturday, June 02, 2007


Abducted Brits - the word on the street in Baghdad

(Unconfirmed) In Iraq, rumors travel through the streets quickly and are accepted by many, educated and uneducated alike, to be the absolute truth. In fact, during Saddam’s reign, he had a department in his intelligence service dedicated to spreading various rumors throughout Iraqi society. The word on the street should not be ignored as simple hearsay, even though much of it is obviously false. It helps shape Iraqi opinions and perceptions. The following information on the abducted Britons was collected.

1. The five Brits who were kidnapped this week were separated after the initial kidnapping and were moved to Kut within three hours of the kidnapping.
2. On Thursday, there were several new checkpoints setup in eastern Baghdad which were established to find the five kidnapped Brits.
3. The Palestine Street area is under the control of Badr due to its proximity to the MOI. Based on the involvement of MOI Commandos and the fact that the five Brits were taken from a Finance Ministry facility, most Iraqis are sure that the five Brits were kidnapped by the order of Bayan Jabr Solagh who wants to trade the five Brits for the five Iranians detained by the US in Irbil. Solagh wants to replace Al Hakim as Iran’s influence broker in Iraq.

Who Kidnapped The Five British Citizens?

The entire group, Sunni and Shiite, agreed that most likely this act was carried out by MOI elements by the order of Bayan Jabr Solagh, who may or may not have been responding to instructions from Iran. The group believes that the reason for the kidnapping is to trade the five Brits for the five Iranians who are being detained by the US after they were captured in Irbil.

The group stated that they believe the above because the area where this crime occurred is known to be heavily controlled by Badr Corps and the kidnapping occurred at a facility under Solagh’s control. He is also believed to have created the MOI Commandos to be an arm of Badr during his tenure as the Interior Minister.

The entire group also agreed that Mahdi Army could NOT have carried out this kidnapping because of the area where it occurred.

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