Thursday, June 07, 2007


Accord Front And Dialogue Front Are Splitting to form new party

(Bayyna Al Jadidah Newspaper) - 6 JUN - Parliament sources expect that today will witness the announcement of a new political front. The new political front will include members of the Accord, Dialogue, and Reconciliation and Freedom Fronts. The sources said, “Abd Mutlak Al Jabouri will lead the new political front. The purpose in creating this new political front is to oppose sectarianism and to help find solutions for the crises of the citizens. The Accord Front and National Front often work against the government and they are also sectarian fronts.”
(Al Mowaten Newspaper) - 6 JUN - The sources expect the new political front will include 15 Parliament members and this front will be empty of Baathists and sectarian people who are controlled by Sunni people. This front will work to find real solutions for Iraq’s citizens; also, this bloc will include 15 Parliament members. Saadi Al Barazanchi, a Kurdish Islamic Union Parliament member said that the Union will freeze its relationship with the new front and they are critical of the formation of this front. On Tuesday Barzanchi added, “We are so angry about the creation of this front because it includes former members of the Saddam regime and because intelligence from foreign countries paid for these members to create the front to work against the Iraqi people’s benefits.”

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