Monday, August 20, 2007


Al Khudhiri Is Diwaniya’s New Governor

(Al Adala Newspaper) - 18 AUG - Yesterday morning, Sheikh Hamid Al Khudhiri won the position of Diwaniya Governor (was selected to replace the recently assassinated governor). There were three others nominated for this Governorship; those three were: Haider Naji Abu Isbah, Shakr Nihma Abid Awn, and Ali Fakhri. However, these three nominees did not receive any votes. Sheikh Hamid Al Khudhiri had previously held the position of Deputy Chief of Diwaniya’s Governorate Council.
On Thursday evening, Dhiyaa Abd Al Karim Shubbr - Diwaniya’s Deputy Governor, told Iraq Voices News Agency, “It has been decided that curfew will be in effect from 7 PM Thursday until further notice; this curfew is due to the election that will be held on Friday… in order to select a new Governor.” Diwaniya’s Governorate Council had opened the nomination process after last week’s assassination of: Governor Khalil Jalil Hamza and (Diwaniya’s) Police Chief (Major General) Khalid Hussein. The two men were killed by an IED explosion while their convoy was returning from a funeral.

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