Thursday, March 08, 2007


Iraq asks Syria to act as mediator with Baathists

Politics, Syria
(Azzaman) Iraq has asked Syria to work as a mediator to lure former Baathists for talks on a possible reconciliation. The demand was made by Vice-President Tareq al-Hashemi during a recent visit to Damascus.
There are about 300 senior former army officers in Syria who used to hold influential positions in the armed forces. Most of these officers were also senior members of the Baath party of former leader Saddam Hussein. They fled Iraq shortly after the fall of Baghdad to U.S. troops in 2003.
Relations between the countries are said to be improving despite U.S. allegations that Damascus was fuelling violence and insurgency in Iraq. Iraqi authorities are apparently keen to revise the debaathification measures under which former members of the Baath party lost their jobs. The sources said the government was willing to accommodate former Baathists as well as senior officers who served in the former army.

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