Wednesday, June 27, 2007


U.S. siege on al-Azamiyah lifted

(Voices of Iraq) - U.S. forces lifted a five-day siege from al-Aazamiya, northern Baghdad, local residents said on Tuesday. "U.S. forces removed barricades from the outlets to the neighborhood and allowed residents to go to work after a siege that lasted for five days following Thursday's bombing of a U.S. vehicle and an attack on an Iraqi army checkpoint," an eyewitness told the independent news agency Voices of Iraq (VOI).
Another eyewitness told VOI, "technicians and workers started fixing water pipes damaged in the bombings and clashes last week and now the electricity is back." U.S. forces had asked residents of al-Aazamiya via microphone to report any armed groups in the area and were allowing only pedestrians in or out.

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